Yoga isn't just for the "bendy"

April 7, 2020

There is a common misconception in the Western world that Yoga is just a sequence of super bendy poses that can only be practiced successfully by super bendy people.  Just a quick scan of social media and Instagram stories would leave you absolutely convinced that this is the case.Â

I remember an old Yoga teacher started each class reminding us that it was not a stretch class, and there was no room for ego in yoga – however his words mostly fell on deaf ears.  My current Yoga teacher tells that it is the bendy that you need to be most concerned about in a Yoga class as they are the most likely to injure themselves.  As the bendy find it easy to move into the postures, they can also tend to “dump” into the postures – relying on their flexibility, and sometimes hyper-mobility,  to get them where they need to be but unaware of the associated strength needed to hold safely in a posture for a period of time.  With consistent and safe practice over a period of time, the combined strength and flexibility needed to hold the postures in safe alignment will build together.  When effort and ease are combined, this is what constitutes a successful Yoga practice.Â

Yoga is a process, so you have to start somewhere. And wherever you are beginning is the perfect place for you to start.  Traditionally Yoga was an individual practice, taught one on one from Guru to student taking into consideration the individual’s unique needs.  Group Yoga classes have lost this focus, but a good Yoga teacher will provide modifications and alternatives so that each individual can practice Yoga to the best of their own ability.  Comparison is the theft of joy; so, do not compare yourself to anyone else in the Yoga class, instead, focus inwards and on your own journey.  Own your own practice and if a particular posture does not feel good for you, leave it out.  My favourite Yoga quote reads: “Yoga is not about touching your toes, it’s about what you learn on the way down”.Â

What to take away from this: you don't need flexibility to practice Yoga.  Come try an online Yoga class with me (Kim); you won't have to worry about anyone else being 'super bendy' in your class. It will just be me instructing you and you moving however feels best for you. Click on to see a snap shot of one of my Yoga classes. We've got Yin Yoga videos, Stretch Yoga videos, Core Yoga videos, Meditation videos and Yoga videos; a perfect library for you to start your Yoga at home journey:

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