We think Pilates is the BEST form of exercise! And before you accuse us of being bias, we have many reasons to back it up! Have a read and let us convince you that Pilates is a good form of exercise.

Pilates is an all over body workout
While the first thought that comes to mind when you say Pilates is core work, Pilates activates so much more than your core. Pilates uses the core as the foundation of movement, then builds from there. But even the definition of core is misrepresented. Often core is considered just the rectus abdominis (the six pack muscles) and that crunches are the only way to strengthen the core. Joseph Pilates coined the term "Powerhouse" which includes your upper and lower abdominals, back, glutes and even hips; the rest of the body (arms and legs etc) build from here. Strengthen the foundation and the rest of the body follows. In reformer Pilates, the reformer provides extra resistance to enable more focus on arm and leg strength, while mat Pilates uses body weight to provide resistance.
As Pilates is an all over body workout, it is a great form of exercise!

Pilates is gentle on your joints
Pilates is low impact so it is very gentle and safe on your joints. In fact, much of a Pilates class can be performed lying down, which takes the pressure off ankles, hips, knees etc without reducing the effectiveness of the exercises. So you can still strengthen and tone the muscles without having to jump or lift heavy weights.

Pilates is for all ages and abilities
We have clients ranging in age from early teens to their 70's all doing the same classes. We can modify the moves to suit various abilities to ensure everyone is getting the right result for them, without anyone feeling like they are being left out or left behind. Reformer Pilates can provide additional support and functionality for those who find it difficult to get up and down off the floor. As most of the exercises are performed on the mat or on the reformer, Pilates doesn't require the same level of coordination as aerobics or music-based classes may require.

Pilates can be modified for minor injuries
Reformer Pilates in particular can be quite useful to enable those with minor injuries to stay mobile. As there are so many ways to perform a variety of exercises, we are able to provide alternatives and options to work around minor injuries. For example, if someone is experiencing knee discomfort, modifications include performing side-lying glute work rather than standing squats and lunges.
(Please note in cases of severe injuries or physical limitations, group classes may not be appropriate.)

Pilates is suitable for pregnancy
If a client has been undertaking Pilates regularly prior to falling pregnant, we are usually able to modify sufficiently to enable the client to continue their regular regime until late stages of Pregnancy. Quite often, if the client is feeling comfortable, we are able to continue until 37 weeks quite safely. Please note, we do not recommend commencing Pilates for the first time after the first trimester.

Mat Pilates can be done anywhere anytime
While there are a series of props we can use in mat Pilates (Pilates ball, Pilates ring, loop band, theraband, sliders etc), all you really need is a mat and some floor space and you are good to go anywhere, anytime! We even offer online classes that are available for you to access at anytime!

Lastly, Pilates is a good form of exercise because it is so much FUN!
We have had clients stay with PPF for years and years, when they previously never stuck to exercise. This is because Pilates is the form of exercise that keeps on giving: in the form of results, variety and fun!

Want to know more about PPF and what we do? Learn about our classes!
Want to mix up Pilates with some other forms of exercise? Click here to read about the Benefits of a Varied Exercise Routine.
New members can try a week of unlimited classes for just $15, by claiming our New Member Offer.
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