What to wear to Pilates

September 3, 2020
pilates socks in circle

What to Wear to Pilates

If you're not sure what to wear or what to bring to a Pilates class, you are not alone! It is one of the most common questions we are asked. Below is a little guide so you feel 'dressed for success' at your Pilates class.

Reformer Pilates

Reformer Pilates uses springs and pulleys to provide resistance whilst lying on a machine.

What to wear:

  • Clothes that breathe, because you do get warm in this resistance based class
  • We recommend wearing a slightly tighter top, as baggy tops may creep up when performing some of the movements. Also, wearing a firmer top helps the instructor see if you are engaging your core correctly
  • For the men: bike shorts under shorts
  • For the ladies: a supportive bra with good coverage. There are some exercises in which you lie on your stomach on a box, so you may want the extra coverage

What to bring:

  • Socks and a water bottle are a must. We recommend grippy / non slip socks, because they provide more traction on the reformer machine. You can pick up a pair of Moveactive socks in our studios.

Mat Pilates and PIT Pilates

Mat Pilates and PIT (Pilates Interval Training) classes bring all the elements from the Reformer to the floor. The only difference between Mat & PIT is that Pilates Interval Training combines the controlled movement patterns of Mat Pilates with set intervals.

What to wear:

  • Clothes that breathe, because you will get warm in these floor based classes
  • Like on the Reformer, we recommend wearing a slightly tighter top to your Mat class, as baggy tops may creep up when performing some of the movements. Also, wearing a firmer top helps the instructor see if you are engaging your core correctly
  • For the men: bike shorts under shorts.

What to bring:

  • Socks and a water bottle are a must. We recommend grippy / non slip socks, because they provide more traction on the mats. You can pick up a pair of Moveactive socks in our studios.

Barre class

Barre is a fun, choreographed fusion of Mat Pilates, functional movement and ballet that will get your heart rate up.

What to wear:

  • Clothes that breathe! Our Barre classes are a cardiovascular workout, therefore choose cotton tops and light weight leggings or bike shorts
  • We recommend a top that isn't too tight, because you want to feel as comfortable as you can whilst your arms, legs and butt burn!
  • Most important: wear leggings that won't fall down and bug you as you are on your feet for 40 minutes of this class!

What to bring:

  • Socks and a water bottle are a must. Bringing a towel is also a great idea if you do sweat or 'glow' when working out.

HIIT: High Intensity Interval Training 

HIIT is a full body cardiovascular workout that involves performing short bursts of intense exercise.

What to wear:

  • Clothes that breathe! Like Barre, our HIIT classes are cardiovascular based workouts, therefore choose cotton tops and light weight leggings or bike shorts.
  • A supportive pair of sneakers! This is essential in our HIIT classes.
  • We also recommend leggings or shorts that are snug and fit well, otherwise you may spend half the class pulling them up!
  • For the ladies: a good fitting sports bra!
  • For the men: bike shorts under shorts.

What to bring:

  • Sneakers and a towel, and most importantly - a water bottle!

Stretch & Yoga

Our Stretch & Yoga classes are slower paced to our other class offerings and are a wonderful addition to your exercise regime.

What to wear:

  • A comfortable top and leggings, however, stay away from loose tops, as they will creep up to your shoulders when performing downward dog! Aim for a top that will stay attached to your skin.
  • Bring layers, even when it is spring or summer. Stretching works best when your muscles are warm. You'll want that extra layer when you lay down for Savasana in Yoga, because your body will cool down quickly.
  • For the men: bike shorts under shorts.
  • For the ladies: a comfortable bra. Try to avoid wire and aim for one with more coverage.

What to bring:

  • Socks, water bottle and your own Yoga Mat

Now that you know what to wear, come join a class!

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