So, you’ve had your beautiful bub for about 6 weeks now and maybe you’ve been cleared to start slowly coming back to exercise but not quite sure how or where to start? The answer is Mums and Bubs Pilates classes! Within this blog, we will break down all the queries you may have about the Mums and Bubs classes and why they are the perfect choice for you on your postpartum journey.

Who will benefit from Mums and Bubs?
Basically, any mum either on her postpartum journey or mums with toddlers or young children (under the age of 6).
Mums and Bubs classes are incredibly important for the recovery after childbirth. Whether you’ve had a C-section or vaginal birth, the body goes through an incredible feat to produce a little baby! There are massive changes to the internal organs, the pelvic floor, and the elasticity of the ligaments! These changes don’t just magically reset themselves after birth so it’s important the body learns how to re-activate muscles that have been stretched, injured or have been out of use for weeks/months.
Mums and Bubs classes are also great for mums with small children as they can bring them along without the worry of interrupting a usual class.

How often should you attend a Mums and Bubs class?
This can be a tricky question as it’s very dependent on what your birth was like, how well you’ve recovered or if you have any other ongoing or new injuries (either from before or after birth).
First things first, you will need an appointment with either your midwife, obstetrician, or doctor usually 6-8 weeks after birth. This is where you will find out if you have any abdominal separation or pelvic floor issues.If you don’t have any serious issues or injuries, your health care professional will mostly likely suggest that you start with some deep core and pelvic floor exercises to carefully build up your core strength.
Mums and Bubs classes always start with deep core and pelvic floor activations to make sure you’re activating the correct muscles in the correct way. Also, there are many different variations in Pilates for mums with abdominal separation or pelvic floor issues which makes it an extremely safe way to return to exercise.
In theory, a mum could attend one class five times a week as the classes are gentler and focus more on the core, however, that can be a big ask for mums! Anywhere from 2-5 classes a week is great and will help with your recovery.

What to expect during the class?
As mentioned above, the class will always start with deep core and pelvic floor activation (usually lying supine). The instructor will help you with any modifications needed as the class can be filled with mums on very different timelines of their postpartum journey.
Then there will be certain exercises that target the back, glutes, arms, and legs. The important note to remember is that even if there is an arm focused movement, the core should always have top priority in your mind while performing any movement – especially in the early stages of recovery.
Another reason that Mums and bubs is so fantastic is that you’re able to breastfeed/change your bub at any point in the class. We totally understand that your bub is your top priority and you’re able to do whatever you need to do!

How are the Bubs included during the class?
Most mums bring their pram or carrier into the studio and park their bub next to their reformer. Sometimes the bub is happy in the pram or laying on the floor (on a mat) but there are many points throughout the class that your bub can be involved. This is handy if your bub wants to be with you, as sometimes you don’t have a choice!
Depending on the exercise, bubs can be placed in your lap, on your stomach, on the carriage next to you or they can even be held if you’re up for a challenge! The bubs love the movement on the carriage and sometimes they even laugh – which is totally cute for everyone in the room.

Where to find Mums and Bubs classes?
Here at PPF, we currently offer Mums and Bubs classes at both Studios (Camp Hill and Coorparoo). Classes are from 10:30am – 11:15am Monday to Friday at Camp Hill and Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday at Coorparoo. You can book online through our website or the PPF app.

Mums and Bubs classes are such a great way to build up your strength and are filled with other mums who support each other and share little bits of wisdom. We’ve seen some wonderful friendships form during the classes and the little ones have an insight into a fantastic way to exercise and sometimes end up wanting to join in!

To read more about the benefits of including pilates in your postpartum journey, click here
Click here to learn more about what to expect in a mums and bubs class and see a sneak peek as to what exercises are involved.