The Top Five Benefits of Pilates

December 2, 2021

Are you hearing about Pilates constantly but are not sure if all the benefits of this form of exercise can actually be true? Well, they are! We break down what we, here are Premium Pilates and Fitness, strongly believe are the top five benefits of Pilates!


Improves Mobility

Mobility is probably the most important aspect of movement within the body. Mobility is defined as the ability to move in one's environment with ease and without restriction. This incorporates flexibility and strength in one! Pilates helps strengthen the local muscles that control and stabilise our joints. These deep muscles need to be strong but mobile to allow us to move around efficiently. Pilates focuses on isolating these muscles to recognise if they are running efficiently/activating correctly at the appropriate times throughout movement. Who doesn't want the ability to move freely, with strength and endurance? The improvement of mobility is such an amazing benefit of Pilates.


Improves Core Control

Joseph Pilates once said “As little as possibility, as much as necessary”. I like to think of this quote when thinking about our core and how it should work. Firstly, it’s important to understand what the core muscles are. Our ‘Core’ is made up of:

- the Transverse Abdominals (they are the deepest layers of abdominals),

- the Pelvic Floor (a hammock shaped group of muscles that essentially keep our organs inside our bodies!),

- the the Multifidus (little muscles that sit either side of the spine) and

- the Diaphragm (a domed shaped muscle that sits under the heart and lunges).

A nice way to think of all of these muscles is to imagine a cylinder shape within our torso that can compress and decompress like a slinky! These deep core muscles move in synchronicity with one another and never stop working! Pilates helps these muscles to talk to one another more efficiently – therefore becoming stronger. Having a strong core will decrease the chance of injury, improve your ability to perform everyday tasks with ease and will reduce your waistline. These are incredible benefits of Pilates!


Correct Breathing Habits

Breathing may seem simple enough, but HOW we breathe is more important than we recognise. When performing a Pilates exercise, there is breath choreographed to the movement to either aid or add a challenge. These breath patterns are functional as it teaches us to use breath outside of a Pilates class to help with our everyday tasks.

For example, exhalation encourages flexion of the spine (sitting up out of bed) and inhalation encourages extension of the spine. The more you practice correct breathing habits in Pilates, the more likely you’ll have correct breathing habits in your everyday activities. Correct breathing will assist with reduced stress on the body, decrease tight muscles that do the work for the diaphragm and a better quality of life.

As Joseph Pilates said; '‘Breathing is the first act of life and the last. Our very life depends on it.’

Mind-Body Connection

Pilates is challenging for a number of reasons. Co-ordination, Balance, Breathing and Complex Movements – just to name a few. There is absolutely no way you can possibly think about anything else during a Pilates class! This forces you to be present in the movement and tune into the body.You’ll start to notice if one side of your body is tighter or weaker. It’s such a terrific way to know your body from the inside out – therefore creating a strong mind-body connection that you don’t get through other forms of movement. Several of our clients and instructors think of their Pilates practice as meditation. This act of meditation or focusing purely on the mind-body connection is just another wonderful benefit of Pilates.


Can be practiced throughout every stage of life

I believe this is why Pilates is so powerful and versatile. Every single human can benefit from Pilates no matter what stage of life you are in. It can aid athlete’s technique in their chosen field, it is fantastic during pregnancy and post-partum recovery, elderly people who have trouble balancing and loss of mobility and of course every stage of life in between! Pilates can be tailored to your exact wants and needs which is very special and can be uncommon in exercise regimes. If you’re reading this and have never tried a Pilates class, I guarantee it will help you be a more efficient version of yourself in some way, shape or form!

Want to know more about the amazing benefits of Pilates? Read our blog Can all Body Types Benefit from Pilates? or see why Seniors can Benefit from Pilates.

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