It's time to Love your Body

April 19, 2022

Hi everyone, its Emily here, co-owner of PPF! I've been busy working on a collaboration project that I am super excited to tell you about!

I've teamed up with our amazing client Britt to bring you her online Body Love Program! I feel so happy to be endorsing this project, particularly as I've done Britt's program and it has helped me greatly to love my body post two babies.

I love everything about Britt's Body Love program; how she helps you work through your negative body image thoughts, the informative goal setting, fitness and nutrition lessons and how it seems like she is in your living room talking to you! Here's one of my absolute favourite quotes of hers:

Britt's Story

Body Love by Actively You is my passion project. After being a personal trainer for many years, I began to notice more and more that women were not happy with their bodies, even when they got to their goal weight. They’d be happy for a little while, but soon enough they’d start to mention their tummies sticking out, or their arms being too wobbly. 

These same women were looking & feeling amazing but they still mentally were struggling with their appearance. That lack of satisfaction in themselves from clients as well as my own personal journey through chronic health issues, inspired me to become a body image expert! 

What were my own issues? 

After undergoing my own weight loss journey in 2016, I became a personal trainer who focused on helping clients lose weight. Don’t get me wrong, I always advocated for balance & positive self talk but I still was very image focused. 

I developed hypothyroidism a few years ago(2019?? Who knows, I just refer to things as pre-covid now!!) & although I am way better now, I gained weight during that time, of-course I did, my whole body was sloth like, i could barely do anything. It was hard to accept this weight gain. I wanted to lose it all asap! 

​But I couldn't... Calorie deficits made me even more tired & so did exercise. 

​So I had to learn to appreciate my body for how it was. I learned, I educated myself on health, size, weight, stigmas... all of it. I struggled to accept, like, love my own body. ​Once I did {it's an ongoing journey, we all have highs and lows}, I knew I had to help others to feel better about themselves too. 

Then Body Love was born! Out of my hardships, my hours and hours of learning, my experiences with my clients, Body Love emerged, ready to clear out the confusion around health & help you to actually enjoy the body you’re in!

Body Love will give you:

  • The Knowledge & Practical steps to love Your Body for how it is,
  • A PT in your pocket for all of those nutrition & workout questions you have,
  • Wonder Woman confidence to be able to wear what you want, when you want to!,
  • The Freedom to eat whatever you want without being guilty!

I knew I had to share this far and wide! That's why I teamed up with my favourite pilates studio EVER to share this with you! All of my knowledge, love, supportiveness & experiences is poured into this program so you can get to where I am, quicker! Hope you enjoy taking a look into Body Love!

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