Zoe here, one of the instructors at PPF and former professional ballerina. I’ve written this blog to explain how barre classes can help strengthen the core.
Let’s first explain exactly what the core is and why it’s important to understand.
The core is made up of the transverse abdominis which is the deepest layer of abdominal muscles. It wraps horizontally around the whole torso and attaches to the bottom ribs and sternum all the way down to the pelvis.
Other very important pieces to the core include the diaphragm (a domed shaped muscle that sits below the heart and lunges), the pelvic floor (a group of hammock shaped muscles that support all internal organs) and the multifidus (tiny muscles that surround the spine to provide support to the discs)

All of these muscles contribute to making up the core. These muscles respond to breath, impact, load and movement. They are dynamic and provide the whole body with support.
It’s important to keep these guys in mind when thinking about abdominal activation – which is a whole other topic in itself!
So, coming back to if Barre classes are good for strengthening the core… In short, yes! Let’s discuss why.

Different postural changes
Barre classes are made up of dynamic movements (mostly in standing) including standing tall, side bending, rotation and forward hinging – all positions that the core will be activated in. This is a functional way of strengthening the core as many movements you will do in a barre class are closely related to everyday life movements such as bending down to pick up the groceries or rotating/side bending to get in and out of the car. Practicing this dynamic movements (focusing on form) in a barre class is one of the best ways to train the body and core for everyday activities!

Ballet inspired movements
Barre classes are inspired by ballet steps – I know this as I am a former professional ballerina. Ballet training is one of the best ways to work on posture as it trains all those deep muscles that make up the core in order to hold yourself in a certain way. Ballet trains the breath to match movements whilst maintaining grace and seemingly ‘easy’ movements – which I can tell you right now, Ballet is anything but easy!
Barre takes all these wonderful aspects of ballet so you too can improve posture and core strength. A lot of dancers actually choose to attend barre classes to help condition them for their chosen dance style which says it all!

Extra abs at the end!
Not only will you be working on strengthening your core whilst standing in barre classes, we have a dedicated abdominals section at the end of class too! These are a set of exercises that are performed on the mat and related very closely to Matwork Pilates. These are specific exercises to strengthen not only the deep core, but also the obliques and rectus abdominis (6 pack muscles) for a full abdominal workout.

There are many different positions for strengthening the core. The instructor might get you in a supine position (laying on your back), 4-point kneeling position or even on your side. This the time to really hone in on how the breath influences the core activation and endurance. But don’t worry, the instructor will talk you through the breath pattern and what to specifically think about.