How to find your zen in isolation

April 16, 2020

We know that exercise is a great way to release tension and stress, and Premium Pilates and Fitness is so pleased to be able to offer online workouts to help you stay fit and de-stress during this pandemic.

However, we are aware that part of the appeal of group classes was getting away from home and having designated “me time”. This may be a little difficult to achieve in the current climate, with kids and/or pets climbing all over you as you attempt to do a Pilates class at home!

So here are a few tips to help you release any tension or frustration without having to leave the house:

Breathing exercises

We’ve provided a couple in our community Facebook group, but here they are again, in case you missed them. (Side note: if you'd like be a part of Premium Pilates and Fitness' community Facebook group, click here).

Counting the breath

Close the eyes down and count 9 breaths. So inhale-exhale that’s one, inhale-exhale that’s two, all the way up to 9 breaths. If you lose count or
get distracted, just start back at one.

Sama Vritti

Sama meaning same, Vritti meaning fluctuating, referring to the fluctuating mind. Breathe in for a comfortable count of 4, breathe out for a comfortable count of 4. Then breathe a regular breath in and out. And repeat - breathe in for 4, breathe out for 4, then a regular breath in and out. Repeat for 8 cycles or as long as you need.

Vishama Vritti

As above, but Vishama means unequal. When the exhale is longer than the inhale, it is considered to be relaxing. So breathe in for a count of 4, then
breathe out for a count of 5 – repeat for a few rounds, then breathe for a count of 5 and breathe out for a count of 6 – repeat for few rounds. Continue to increase both the inhalation and exhalation ONLY if it is comfortable to do so, if the breathing becomes strained, drop back to a comfortable range.


In this exercise, you contract all the muscles in a part of the body, then
relax. Squeeze tight all the muscles on the inhale, and on the exhale – release, relax, feel the tension melting away. Here’s a sequence for you to follow, contract and release each part 2-3 times:
o Right leg
o Left leg
o Both legs together
o Hips, pelvis, glutes
o Right arm
o Left arm
o Both arms together
o Shoulders
o Rock and roll through your neck
o Face – screw your face into an ugly prune face!
o Body scan – check any areas where there is still tension and repeat those.

Arm Drop

Raise your hands over head on the inhale, and on the exhale, let your arms drops, bend the knees as you sweep the arms down by your sides. Repeat this 3-4 times.

Write your rant

This is particularly helpful if you are building up resentment and frustration and don't have an outlet to vent.

Grab a pen and paper and write out your vent. Imagine you are having a verbal purge to your best friend, just get it all out! Every thing that has been driving you nuts – it doesn't matter if it is big or small, just get it out. Don't worry about grammar, spelling, punctuation and don't worry about anyone reading it, that's not what this is for.

Once it is all out “burn it! Tear it up, put it through the shredder, get rid of it. Don't re-read it - this is just a way to get those negative thoughts/bad vibes out – reading it back just puts those bad vibes back in again. And do not leave it lying around the house for someone else to read!

Tell the annoying thoughts to f_ off

Our minds can get so cluttered with negative self-talk and critical thoughts, and these thoughts can cause a lot of tension and block productivity. One good way of silencing these thoughts is to stand up to them, treat them like a bully, and just tell them to f_off. This helps us to distance ourselves from self-criticism; being aware of it without believing it.

Thanks goes to Mindfulness Works Australia for this tip.

Listen to Music

Music can be an incredible healer and a great way to chill out. We love having music on in the background now that we are home all the time. If you don't have a favourite playlist or artist, you can have a listen to some lovely playlists our gorgeous instructor Paige made by clicking here.

Remember we are currently faced with an extraordinary situation, and we’ve had our usual coping mechanisms taken away, so do not beat yourself up if some days are just a little harder to take.

We hope one, two or maybe all of these tips can help you find your calm in COVID19 isolation. If this doesn't work, chuck on an online Pilates class or an online Yoga class. If you want to sweat it out, try an online Barre class or an online HIIT workout. There's something for every mood on our at home Pilates program!

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