Onlineyoga – why it is an excellent option in the current climate.
The wordyoga comes from the Sanskrit root yuj which means to bind, join or“yokeâ€. One of the more common interpretations of yoga is to bindtogether the body, mind and breath. In the current chaos in our externalworld, now is the perfect time to come within, to connect the body, mind andbreath, and find that internal peace that balance brings. Some of the benefitsof yoga include:
- Improved physical strength and flexibility
- Improved breathing patterns
- Improved energy levels
- Release of muscle tension
- Release of mental tension and stress
- Greater self-awareness
- Improved fitness levels and overall wellbeing
Bringingyoga online makes this more attainable than ever before!
Maybeyou’ve been too busy to find a yoga practice. Maybe you were too intimidatedto try. Maybe you thought you weren’t bendy enough (more on that soon!)and all the other yogis would make you feel less than capable. Now, inthe comfort and safe space of your own home, you can practice yoga at your ownpace. You can try online yoga classes as a beginner, or as someone who maybethought yoga wasn't for them in a group class. With no comparison, nojudgements, you will experience the joy of your own personal yoga practice asit was always meant to be practiced – as a time for self and reconnecting withthe true happiness that lies within.
I can'twait for you to experience yoga with me. Namaste, Kim (the resident PremiumPilates & Fitness yogi) x
Here's alink to a little teaser of one of our best online yoga classes: https://www.premiumpilates.com.au/online-content/